“The Fred Factor is a powerful, poignant parable of success. It’s about going the extra mile and always doing more than is expected. It is revolutionary yet simple. It is life changing.”
“Sanborn soars with The Fred Factor…His system works and can not only change your life but just may jump-start the career of the person sitting next to you.”
“Mark Sanborn has done it again! This time leadership is his focus and he has delivered a powerful little book that must be on every leader’s desk.”
“Read this book if you want to lead a better life, lead an organization, or lead the way.”
“Using his master skills in story-telling, Mark Sanborn enables us all to see that at the heart of it leadership is really about ordinary people achieving extraordinary things.”
“I love writers who make leadership an active principle!! Even the title, You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader, tells us to take charge by our actions. Mark Sanborn lets you know that leading involves you DOING something. You gotta read this one.”
“If you want to learn to lead — or lead better — read this book.”
“Everyone of us have the power to shape our lives and influence the lives of others. In this short, powerful book by Mark Sanborn, you’ll discover how.”
“For years, Mark Sanborn has been one of the most highly esteemed speakers at the Southeastern Leadership Forum. We’ve invited him back for five years in a row because of his amazing ability to connect complex leadership principles to everyday actions for all people at all levels and ages. Our attendees have always enjoyed Mark’s presentations as he challenges, encourages and empowers leaders to maximize their potential in their businesses and organizations. Mark is a leadership developer who not only knows the talk, but also knows how to make it walk.”

“The superlative feedback continues to flow on your presentation. Phone mail, CC:Mail and regular mail — it’s all with high praise. What is particularly being cited in the feedback is your demonstrated knowledge about The Hartford.”