“The wisdom and insights Mark shared has yielded great returns; first as a corporate employee and now as a business owner. Whenever I discussed critical challenges or business obstacles with Mark, I always left with an actionable plan with concepts that were guaranteed to add value personally, professionally, and financially.”
“My audience was used to hearing highly educational and rather boring presentations, and that is what I had for them before Mark Sanborn helped me out with some serious coaching. He literally taught me, step by step, how to masterfully deliver my information like everyone’s favorite college professor. And I am not exaggerating. He taught me techniques to open my presentation in a way that focused the attention of my audience. He helped me re-structure my information to keep them engaged. He taught me how to close my presentation by inspiring my listeners into action. He even helped me weave humor in for the audience’s enjoyment- a very difficult thing to do with an economics presentation! Sanborn’s ability to elevate a client’s skill level is world class. If you are wondering who trains the top speakers and top executives, I suggest getting in touch with Mr. Sanborn.”
“Our company founder had a belief that we should ‘re-earn our positions every day in every way,’ Mark has revealed the treasure map to get there—I am reenergized.”
“The Potential Principle not only reminds you that you can always get better, it gives you the precise blueprint for doing just that. A must-read for high achievers!”
“Potential was always a negative term. It meant what you could be but aren’t. Mark has created a blueprint to turn your potential into reality. Everyone who thinks they have more in them should read this book.”
“The Encore Effect is a much needed guide that teaches us how to bring the world to its feet, by giving the performance of a life time.”
“The Encore Effect will convince you that you’re life is a performance, and to achieve your dreams you must master it. This book will help you construct an encore-worthy performance, be it at the podium or in the conference room. Read this book to start your journey to sustainable success.”
“You are holding a life-changing book – it packs a walloping prescriptive punch! Mark poignantly invites us to gain wisdom from the crucible or personal and professional setbacks and guides use to savor faith, family, and friends. Read it, and the people you care about at home and at work will benefit from your journey through Always Win“
“We all experience turbulence in our personal lives and in business, just like an airplane. Every pilot has been up, down, or in-between. Mark Sanborn offers you a flight plan to prepare for and thrive in turbulent times.”
“At Zappos, one of our core training courses is built around The Fred Factor, so I was excited about Mark Sanborn’s latest book. If you need encouragement and ideas about how to succeed during challenging times, I recommend reading Always Win.”