You want a powerful presentation, tailored to your audience and event and if you hire Mark he’ll deliver like no other leadership speaker can!
But that’s not all that makes working with a speaker successful.
Meeting planners like speakers who are easy to work with. Mark is, but more importantly, he’s fun to work with. He’s a low-maintenance speaker and he always likes to see as much of the event program as he can before he speaks. That makes his comment extremely relevant when he takes the stage.
Mark focuses on the three E’s: educate, engage and entertain. All are important ingredients in a presentation your audience won’t just enjoy but will also learn and benefit from. As a seasoned pro with over 3,000 paid presentations in his career he has the experience and flexibility to deal with the circumstances and specifics of your event.
Look at Mark’s keynote presentation topics then talk to him about how he will uniquely tailor his presentation to your specific needs and situation.