In and Out Leadership

Warren Wiesbe said, “Your heart grows by giving out, but your mind grows by taking in; both are necessary to a happy and balanced life of service.” This explains the leadership balance between head and heart. Leaders who intellectualize their work have a difficult time connecting with and serving others. Leaders who give without growing…

A Great Turn of the Phrase

Just because I don’t agree with Hillary Clinton on much doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention to what she says. And I’ll glady give her credit where due. After Obama’s speech on race relations, she said, “In the end, the test is not the speeches a president delivers. The test is whether the president delivers…

Refreshing Responsibility

Howard Schultz demonstrated why he is an effective leader that as been able to grow Starbucks into a premier global brand. Commenting on Starbuck’s downturn in business, Schultz didn’t blame the economy but said, “The problems we are facing have been self-induced. That’s why I think we’ll be able to fix them. In as similar…


Eliot Spitzer saturates the news with his scandal and resignation as governor of New York. Why did he do it? I haven’t a clue. Anything I or anyone else suggests is at best informed speculation. There might be something to be learned from his own explanation but I doubt it. It would be interesting but…

The Question

It is getting hard to listen to the political candidates and their promises. Any time any candidate of any party promises to give you something new, ask one simple question: Where will the money come from? The answer: he who receiveth will also giveth. Funding for programs is a reallocation of existing funding (money is…