Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Over two decades of research and observations have revealed the key factors that enable the best organizations to succeed and dominate. I’ve condensed this research into what I call the “Lucky 13” (I’m not superstitious): critical elements that set apart leading companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.
My father spoke much good advice to me, but he demonstrated even more. His action taught me about leading by example, making difficult choices, living with integrity and upholding standards. Here’s what he did.
Here are ten key actions leaders can take to create extraordinary service for their organizations:
Effective leadership requires good thinking. Subtle yet profound thinking errors that can misguide decisions and strategies. Learn what the most common cognitive biases are and how to avoid them.
Communicating effectively with audiences, especially younger employees, requires some changes in technique. Here are five power moves you can use as a leader to be more effective.
G.K. Chesterton said “The world will never lack for wonders, only wonder.” Are you a leader with a sense of curiosity and wonder about your work and the world around you? Learn the important benefits of leading with wonder, and how to develop it.
Over the years digitization and electronic media have dramatically impacted the way we speak and write. Some of the changes have happened slowly, some more quickly but all are important to understand to be a successful communicator today. Find out what thirteen of these big changes are.
If you think better you will lead better. Learn the most common thinking mistakes leaders make and you’ll improve your thinking.
If you want to lead and influence others, you need to start with yourself. Self-leadership is the necessary first step to leading others.
I saw a little boy dressed as an astronaut. He taught me an important lesson. Find out what it is.