Normal is Overrated

Peggy Noonan commented that people running for President often try to come across as normal. She points out that wanting to be the leader of the free world isn’t really normal, and it isn’t the aspiration nor ability of most people. But she sees that grand pursuit as noble and good.

“Besides,” she says, “normal is overrated.”

13 Things Freds Do

My book, The Fred Factor, talks about how to turn ordinary into extraordinary by using the real life example of Fred Shea, my postal carrier when I first moved to Denver. Here is a summary of what “Freds” do in their work and in their lives. I hope it stimulates your thinking about what you can do to turn ordinary into extraordinary.

How to Find Good Advice

Our world is brimming with advice and advice givers. From the best books to read, the hottest stocks to buy, to the most effective weight loss strategies, everyone seems to have a suggestion. But here’s the catch – the question of credibility is paramount. It’s not just about what is being recommended, but who is doing the recommending