7 Leadership Lies You Need to Stop Believing
Leadership keynote speaker Mark Sanborn explains seven leadership lies that you need to stop believing to become a better leader.
Leadership keynote speaker Mark Sanborn explains seven leadership lies that you need to stop believing to become a better leader.
Mark Sanborn, keynote leadership speaker, explains five things you might be doing that your employees hate (but won’t tell you about).
I wrote down 60 of the most important leadership lessons I’ve learned in my 60 years of living to share with my sons. In the blog, I share them with you, too.
Obviously, being bored is no fun. I’ve never met anyone who aspired to boredom, but it happens. Some even readily admit they are bored. When my boys were younger, I told them that boredom was a choice, not a condition. There are too many interesting things in the world to make boredom an inevitability. But there…
So many individuals and organizations study the competition. They want to do everything the competition does as well or better. But it rarely helps them get ahead. How could that be? The answer: he was only good at being the same. Nobody remembers same. Bland is unmemorable. Bold is memorable. There are many things you have to…
“It’s all for the best” or “Something good will come of this:” do you like hearing these words when you fail? I don’t. These sentiments might hold a grain of truth in them, but they rarely make us feel any better. The first thing to remember about failure is not to sugar coat it when it…
Curiosity is a wonderful thing. Being open to new ideas and pursuing new topics is largely beneficial. But is there ever a downside? There is, and it is to be distracted by the interesting. I know. I’ve experienced it. Because I am interested in so many different things, I sometimes follow rabbit holes that are entertaining,…
Growing up my mom often used the phrase, “This will cure what ails you!” The “cure” varied widely as she said it about everything from bad behavior to an upset stomach. As my mom believed, there might be a universal cure to whatever ails you. So, what is it? First, consider: Writer’s often complain of…
The responsibility of good leadership always outweighs the accolades. Those you lead think of themselves less as followers and more as team players or contributors. Leaders don’t confuse “simple” with “easy.” Something simple to understand can be difficult to do. If you are sincere, you can’t over-appreciate those you lead. Team members want the opportunity…
An optimist believes the glass is half full. The pessimist believes the glass is half empty. But there is a different, and better, way to think about the glass. The half-full or hall-empty assessment misses an important nuance: There is still room for more. Many settle for half empty or half full situations in life. How you…