Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Relationship is powerful. It differentiates a product or service, creates loyalty, and sets you apart from competitors not willing to invest in building relationships. Companies encourage employees to build better relationships with customers. I teach the basics of relationship building in business and have written about how to do it in my books, most notably…
As the author of a book titled You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader, you might mistakenly assume I’m against formal titles. I’m not. I have nothing at all against titles or those holding them, and I’ve even held a few myself. I just don’t believe that a title makes anyone a leader.…
Regrets. We all have them. Some ignore them while others wallow in them. Fewer benefit from them. Wouldn’t it be great if you could benefit from your regrets or if you could convert the negative emotions surrounding your regrets into positive emotions that fueled your success? Here are six things you can do to achieve just…
Employers often hire with an eye towards those who have potential to move into management. That is an important consideration, but I don’t think it aims high enough. I strongly recommend you hire individuals who are potential leaders. Not everyone who can and will someday lead necessarily wants to be a manager. The title and…
In my work with entrepreneurs, athletes, business leaders and other highly successful people, I’ve noticed that extraordinary achievers often share common characteristics and traits. While the following list isn’t exhaustive, it highlights some of the key attributes of those who are among the very best at what they do. This is a list worth striving…
As a leader, do you ever feel your important messages fall on deaf ears? Are your carefully constructed and communicated strategies always get implemented? Are you often frustrated by the difference between the results you ask of others and what you actually get? Leaders agonize when developing vision, mission and strategy. They carefully choose words…
Many wish wonderful things at the beginning of the New Year. I don’t want to be the exception. But I also don’t want to wish you the same tried and tired things that we are commonly wished. So, this year, I want to not wish you the familiar and instead wish you the better: I…
Don’t you really love the beginning of a new year? For most of us, it holds the promise of change and improvement; of moving beyond the challenges and difficulties of the past year. Of course, January 1 is an arbitrary line in the sands of time. It was celebrated as the beginning of the new year…
My friend Kary Oberbrunner is an engaging and innovative speaker, author and coach. His latest project is a young adult book of fiction called The Elixir Project. What drives the plot is the premise of how we get “hacked” metaphorically and literally, and the non-fiction aspects of the book have important implications for us as leaders,…
This is an email I recently received from Uber. It is a simple but eloquent business touch: It reinforces my good behavior as a passenger. It reminds me that I’m being evaluated. It invites me to share my recognition through social media (I didn’t but am sure many do). It gives Uber another reason to…