Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
So many individuals and organizations study the competition. They want to do everything the competition does as well or better. But it rarely helps them get ahead. How could that be? The answer: he was only good at being the same. Nobody remembers same. Bland is unmemorable. Bold is memorable. There are many things you have to…
“Don’t let it bother you.” How often have you heard or said that? It is usually about things we shouldn’t let bother us. But what about the important things, the things that make a difference? Some things should really bother us. If we let important things stop bothering us, we become numb to needed change. We settle…
“It’s all for the best” or “Something good will come of this:” do you like hearing these words when you fail? I don’t. These sentiments might hold a grain of truth in them, but they rarely make us feel any better. The first thing to remember about failure is not to sugar coat it when it…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Click on the image above to watch the video. What is the secret to successful public speaking? I’m sharing the secret you need to know!
We live in crazy times. No matter how you analyze it, the events happening around us are often unprecedented and challenging. The gamut of craziness runs from politics and investigations to egregious behavior and accusations to social media, uncivil media, and so much more. I’m not discounting the tremendous opportunities that exist these days. However,…
I’m making a bold prediction about what your holidays will be like: They will be pretty much as you expect. Okay, so maybe it isn’t a bold prediction, but it is accurate. If you go into the holidays assuming they will be a hassle, they will. If you decide they will be a time of joy and celebration,…
Curiosity is a wonderful thing. Being open to new ideas and pursuing new topics is largely beneficial. But is there ever a downside? There is, and it is to be distracted by the interesting. I know. I’ve experienced it. Because I am interested in so many different things, I sometimes follow rabbit holes that are entertaining,…
Growing up my mom often used the phrase, “This will cure what ails you!” The “cure” varied widely as she said it about everything from bad behavior to an upset stomach. As my mom believed, there might be a universal cure to whatever ails you. So, what is it? First, consider: Writer’s often complain of…
A client recently told me about the amazing Halloween celebration they were having for their employees and their families. He made it sound so good I wanted to go, too. Then he said, “It doesn’t make us more productive, but it is fun.” I respectfully disagree. I think having fun does make an organization more…
Your purpose is essential to pursuing your potential. If you want to be everything you can be, you need a compelling reason, and that is your purpose. It takes a strong why to power the what and how of making your best better. In my new book, The Potential Principle, I map out four essential areas to focus on for personal and…