Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
We live in an age that seems marked by attention deficit. Our lives have so many competing demands that a modern dilemma seems to be a lack of time to truly think. Yet thinking is the basis for everything that happens in our lives. It is a dangerous course to allow others to do our…
More important than the clues success may leave are the patterns. You can learn better from many examples of leaders and successful people who do similar things to achieve greatness. One suggestion: rise early and play fast.
You might have read about “creative destruction” in an economics class. It is a classical principle but less considered is what happens more often: “creative reconstruction.” Learn what it is and how to use it.
There are good reasons to rethink trying to “have it all.” Learn the benefits of not trying to have it all and focusing on what really matters.
These two things will supercharge your selling, speaking and literally every area of your professional life if you use them.
Learn 10 simple ideas on how to get and stay motivated to add to your success in 2019 and the years ahead.
Sometimes the truth is tough, but usually the toughest truths offer the biggest gains. Learn 12 tough truths that can make you better in 2019 and beyond.
You can recognize true leadership by how a person responds to one of these three tests. How do you do when faced with these challenges?
Is it good to be “larger than life”? It can be if you know the best way to do it. It will make you an in demand, encore performer.
Here are the hopes I have for all of us as we celebrate Thanksgiving.