Image copyright seanwes. Used with permission.
No leader plans on becoming ineffective or getting booted, but it happens. The reasons range from burnout to scandal, but the results are the same: the leader loses his or her opportunity to lead.
What can you do to make sure that you are a leader that lasts?
Here is a list of 18 things that will equip you to lead for the long haul:
1. Work from your strengths
2. Build a strong inner life
3. Maintain health equal to the task
4. Surround yourself with people you respect and enjoy working with
5. Guard important relationships
6. Hold yourself accountable to others
7. Keep learning
8. Develop a process to keep yourself motivated
9. Focus on results, not intentions
10. Build on purposefulness
11. Keep adding skills to your tool kit
12. Look for new challenges
13. Stretch and dream bigger
14. Treat failure as learning opportunities
15. If you can’t learn from the critics, ignore them
16. Prioritize your time
17. Get enough sleep and rest
18. Spend free time doing things that energize you
Which of the above items need your immediate attention?