The Whisper
Listen for the whisper that is unique to you.
Listen for the whisper that is unique to you.
don’t be silly at delivering service like this example.
Don’t chase happiness, deserve it.
I’ve just posted at the Digital Nomads website. To read my post and explore this great site, click here.
speed riding, extraordinary, adventure
You are not your net worth
pity the man or woman…who likes but does not love.
Enough doom and gloom already. The sky is falling and we’re the ones pulling it down. Our ever responsible media can’t seem to stick to what’s happening; journalists feel to consistently add bleak commentary. If it bleeds it leads has always been true. I’ve come to believe the media is actually opening veins with all…
One of the great things about my work is I get to meet so many creative and talented people. Over the years I’ve appeared on programs with and gotten to know Mike Rayburn, an amazing guitarist and communicator. Whenever he performs, he always brings down the house and truly is an encore performer. He has…