One Remarkable Thing
plan to do something remarkable
plan to do something remarkable
Leadership Lessons ezine by Mark Sanborn
Whether your candidate won or lost, your business is up or down or your health good or poor, the following quote (the last lines of Self-Reliance) are worth considering today: “A political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event raises…
John F. Kennedy said “Ask now what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Those words seem lost to history during this election. A primary focus has become who will get the most tax breaks from which candidate. The question I hope voters will ask is, “Who will be best for the…
how to keep your job in tough times
new online training, customer service training, video-based
Strategies leaders should use during difficult times.
Exchange: the present for the desired future Experiment: with what works and what doesn’t Envision: the specific outcome or end result Enlist: others to achieve the vision Enliven: your team to be inspired and work with purpose Educate: so people become better in the process Exchange: ideas about how to do everything better Expand: thinking…
David Allen, in his bestselling book “Getting Things Done” says, “What potential crisis ought you be dealing with now?” Ask yourself this question about your personal and professional life. And think how different life might be today had Congress troubled themselves to ask this question a year or two ago. newborn zantac zantac during pregnancy…
Jewely Del Duca is an elementary teacher for Littleton Public Schools. In general, I believe teachers are remarkable people, but Jewely even more so. She has stage 4 cancer, and despite the pain, continues to teach her students each day. She wants to impart important lessons not just about academics but about life. For her…