Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance. A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary. Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.

Real Wealth

Wealth is an accumulation of assets, tangible and intangible, that have value. A person’s net worth is the difference between what he or she owns less what he or she owes. In times like these, many if not most have seen their net worth decrease. Our investments are worth less as are our homes. We…

Why Leaders Ask

I recently witnessed a colleague turn in a poor performance. I remember thinking how difficult it would be to give him honest feedback on his performance but was instantly comforted by the fact that based on what I knew about him, he’d never ask. He’d prefer to either blame or rationalize his shortcomings or just…