Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance. A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary. Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.

Sign of the Times

Darcey Saner, 31, of Denver, thinks she is worth more than her current $65,000 a year job. That’s what compelled her to spend $8,500 on a billboard on South Santa Fe Drive that reads, “Hire the best. $100K minimum. Best benefits, perks and incentives employs me.” Never mind that Darcey added an unnecessary “s” to…

6 Tips for Powerful

It isn’t enough to have a message. It must be YOUR message. What is it about your topic that is important to you? That is where your uniqueness lies. Don’t give books reports. Bring your unique perspective to the audience. When you discover your message, you also release your passion. The best advice on speaking…