Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Think On These Things “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.” Thomas Jefferson “And this is the simple truth: That to live is to feel oneself lost. He who accepts it has already begun to find himself to be on firm ground.” Soren Kierkegaard “Few have the imagination to…
(‘Y2J’ a lesson in love for teachers and students from the Denver Post, 1/2/00) Since 1962 Dick Jordan has been inviting students to meet him on the first day of the millennium at the west entrance of the Denver Public Library Downtown. 300 students showed up, many lugging yearbooks or dusty photos of the man…
I asked God to take away my pride, And God said, “No.” He said it is not for Him to take away, but for me to give up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, And God said, “No.” He said her spirit is whole, Her body is only temporary. I asked God…
“I define a brand as a promise for the future based on past performance.” “Everything of significance a leader accomplishes happens not just because of his or her efforts, but through the efforts of others.” “People who lead – whether or not they have a title – strive to make things better for those around…
After hosting a large group of children and parents for our son’s third birthday party, mom and dad were exhausted. We loaded up the Explorer with Grandma in tow and headed out for dinner. Our first two restaurants of choice had a wait, and we ended up at a Perkins restaurant by default. It epitomized…
What makes a writer? The act of writing, of turning intangible thoughts into readable marks on paper or computer. One of the biggest problems with becoming a great writer–or a great skier or parent or piano player for that matter–is that there are so many writing-related things to keep one from writing. There are magazines…
Darcey Saner, 31, of Denver, thinks she is worth more than her current $65,000 a year job. That’s what compelled her to spend $8,500 on a billboard on South Santa Fe Drive that reads, “Hire the best. $100K minimum. Best benefits, perks and incentives employs me.” Never mind that Darcey added an unnecessary “s” to…
How to Get the Most From Your Investment in a Professional Speaker You’ve reviewed all the promotional materials, you’ve watched all the videos, and you’re confident that you’ve picked the perfect speaker for your upcoming meeting. But you’re not quite ready to sit back and relax. There are still a few things you need to…
Oh no—you’ve been put in charge of the program for your company’s next out-of-office meeting! Your mind flashes back to the meetings you’ve attended that were a disaster. You remember all too well that monotone speaker who bored everyone to tears, that other speaker who obviously didn’t know the first thing about what your company…
A disregard for time. Unclear purpose Inadequate preparation Failure to capture attention. Pomposity Boredom False endings Few things create a more vivid perception of an executive than his speaking ability. The higher execs rise in an organization, the more frequently they are called upon to address others. Ironically, little or no training is given hapless…