Are You Ready?
Are you truly ready for the Holidays? Consider the difference between being prepared and being ready.
Are you truly ready for the Holidays? Consider the difference between being prepared and being ready.
Gettting to the top requires growth. Here are some suggestions about how to get ahead.
It isn’t enough to have a message. It must be YOUR message. What is it about your topic that is important to you? That is where your uniqueness lies. Don’t give books reports. Bring your unique perspective to the audience. When you discover your message, you also release your passion. The best advice on speaking…
Beliefs are of limited value if they’re not translated into behaviors. The things we do repeatedly are the evidence of our commitments. When we commit to the right things, we enjoy right consequences. When we commit to the wrong things, we suffer the consequences. Far more telling than a person’s beliefs are his or her…
If you believe customer feedback is important, what are you willing to pay to get it?
“Practice won’t make you perfect, but it will make you better.” Mark Sanborn Did your boss ask you to start this workday spending some time practicing your job? (I’m guessing “No.”) Did you make time this morning to practice the skills upon which your livelihood (and your potential encores) depends? (Between getting the kids off…
Dr. Joseph Michelli is an expert on what makes a company great. He shares his insights from working with Starbucks, the Ritz Carlton and more global brands.
Leadership Lessons ezine by Mark Sanborn
John Miller, speaker and author of QBQ: The Question Behind the Question, provides insights into the power of accountability for individuals and organizations.
Learn from great gospel music to communicate as a leader.