The Buck Stopped at Jamie Dimon
When you’re in charge, the buck stops with you. Ultimate responsibility is one of the toughest aspects of leadership. Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan prove the point.
When you’re in charge, the buck stops with you. Ultimate responsibility is one of the toughest aspects of leadership. Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan prove the point.
Leadership Lessons ezine by Mark Sanborn
Here are a dozen simple but powerful ideas to help you be more productive.
Leaders know what matters and make it matter to others. That’s what you need to do to be a breakthrough speaker. (This is the last of an eight part series on breakthrough public speaking. Visit the archives at for the rest of the series.)
This short poem summarizes the importance of taking action and fighting the good fight.
You’ve given your speech–now what? It is time to analyze the impact and use what you learn to get better the next time.
You’ve designed a breakthrough speech and prepared to give it. Here’s how to give a breakthrough performance.
Here’s yet another example of how smart people do dumb things in serving customers, and how you can learn from their mistakes.
What is the single best way to assure your success when you give a speech? Learn the secret in this blog, part five of an eight part series.
Leadership Lessons ezine by Mark Sanborn