Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about who their dinner guests would be.
“I will be happy when I get home.” “I’ll be happy when I get to college.” “I’ll be happy when I get to the beach.” These are some of the places where people say they’ll be happy. But where is the best place to be happy? Everywhere. Think about it. We read books about how…
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about their favorite companies.
The questions to ask for developing a character My friend Tom Marcoux is an author who writes in a variety of genres. Recently he shared this advice with me about writing fiction: “If you do try you hand at fiction, here’s a method I devised and have taught to college students/graduate students for 14 years. To…
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about what their biggest challenge is.
“Everything I have—my life, my potential, my time—was given to me. I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life returning.” – Charlie Jones, philanthropist Have you heard of the six principles of leadership? Well, one of them is the Power of Giving. Giving is just one of the many things that great leaders do…
Do you understand the importance of taking action? As Henry Ford famously said, “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” If there is one irrefutable test of a leader, it is the results he or she produces. But how does a great leader produce results? They take action. Intent without…
Communicating isn’t the objective in business or life. The objective is understanding. Communication is simply the tool to accomplish that. In one study, poor communication was cited as the cause of poor employee performance 80% of the time. Communicating effectively is what acting as a leader is all about, whatever your position or title. Words…
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about their five albums they would pick if they were to be stranded.
Everything we accomplish happens not just because of our efforts but through the efforts of others. The biggest difference between people who manage others versus people who lead others is how they develop those under them. As all leaders know, untitled or not, leadership is power with people, not power over people. Do you build…