Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Frank Sinatra sang that even though he’d had regrets, they were too few to mention. I’ve had more than a few business regrets and hopefully I’ve learned from them. I share some of them here in hopes that you can learn from my regrets so they won’t become your regrets.
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about one company that is getting it all wrong.
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about trends in business.
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about the best thing you can do to grow your speaking career.
Leaders generally don’t like it when things slow down. It usually means that business isn’t as brisk as desired. And even though many complain about being too busy, just as many or more complain about not being busy enough. What do you do when activity is slow and you’ve got excess time? Do you panic?…
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about how to add value to your customers.
Social media is ubiquitous. In 2015 Digitaltrends reported that Americans check social media a staggering 17 times a day, or at least once every waking hour. I want to talk about three things that are often done that annoy the daylights out of those of us checking our accounts. (Disclaimer: to my friends and followers…
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about how to get employee buy-in.
Five best-selling authors, Speaker Hall of Fame recipients, internationally-acclaimed business consultants and best buddies give their insights on business and life. In today’s topic, our five friends talk about one thing you employees need to know.
My long time pal Joe Calloway advises to say no more often so you can concentrate on what matters most. Personally, I’ve used his advice to great advantage. Saying no is a skill but so is saying yes. A good yes is never tentative. The best decisions are made with gusto and implemented enthusiastically. I’ve noticed a…