Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
Can a company be a remarkable performer? I believe it can. For an example, read my post about Boston Beer Company’s remarkable performance in making hops available to smaller brewers who were in desparate need of the critical ingredient. Read about it here.
In the age of political correctness and relativism, we are often led to believe that all opinions have equal value. They don’t. Some are right, some are wrong and most are somewhere in-between. We do ourselves and our culture a disservice by accepting the opinion that fried eggs are covertly running our planet has equal…
In the aftermath of the tragic shootings at Northern Illinois University yesterday there are many suggesting simple solutions to a complex problem. Unfortunately, complex problems rarely have simple solutions. We grieve with those who were affected by the senseless act of a cowardly shooter. Close to the event it is impossible to separate emotion from…
We hope that those of you who lead, train leaders or desire to lead, regardless of title, are as excited as we are about our new DVD training curriculum based on Mark’s best selling, You Don’t Need a Title To Be a Leader: How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Positive Difference. Mark’s dynamic new leadership…
What if . . . ? These two powerful words usually conjure up the results of past decisions—how things might have been different and better if only . . . But they are equally powerful when applied to the future. We can’t change the past. But the future? That’s a totally different story. What if…
Recently I received a discouraging email from an individual in a government organization who is battling terrible working conditions and well-intentioned by seriously flawed government regulations. This person had found value in one of my books and was looking for encouragement. She thought if I could speak to her and her team, it might help.…
If you missed the Audi ad during the Super Bowl, it showed a man in bed inside a classic estate who is awakened with oil all over himself. He throws back the covers and screams as he finds the grille to his deceased Rolls Royce. It was a clever nod to the classic scene in…
This past Sunday I heard Clint Hurdle speak at my church. Clint is the general manager of the National League Champion Colorado Rockies. I took several pages of notes. He had lots of good stuff to share. Winning the National League Championship was “truly magical and truly humbling.” “I’ve been embraced by so many people…
I won’t. Yes, he was an incredibly talented coach, and he had an amazing record. He was also the poster child for bad behavior excused by fame. Never met him and have nothing personal against him. It’s just that I’ve seen too many tirades, tantrums, screaming, yelling, kicking of chairs and foul language to respect…
A recent article in USAToday about fake accents said, “…faking an accent can be considered cool, not unauthentic…” How can anything fake be considered “not unauthentic”? Our culture considers to butcher words and concepts for convenience. Katie Couric said moving outside one’s comfort zone “almost always makes you uncomfortable.” Another butchered concept, only it got…