Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
There is too much knowledge for anyone to know everything. One book claims Athanasius Kircher, a German polymath who lived in the 17th century was the “last man to know everything.” I’ve also read others who believe Francis Bacon, who lived at about the same time, was the last person to know everything (that was…
That is a cover headline of Utne Reader magazine this month. I sometimes read that publication for a decidedly different point of view. I didn’t read the current issue; I just like the headline. Your boss isn’t your mom or your dad. And while good managers and leaders support and encourage you, don’t expect them…
Leadership Lessons ezine by Mark Sanborn
Next to hubris, anger will sink a leader quicker than anything. Right now in the Democratic race, Obama has the upper hand not because of experience or even his superior speaking skills but because of his temperament. He stays calm, focused and seemingly unflappable even when he’s being attacked. He seldom returns the attack but…
The next president of the United States will be elected primarily on the power of his or her ability to communicate well. This isn’t as it should be; it simply is as it is. Regrettably, style often trumps substance. Recall some years ago when Dennis Miller famously ranted that V.P. candidate Stockdale committed the unforgivable…
Yesterday Delta canceled a few hundred flights leaving travelers stranded. It was done in the name of “safety inspections” as if that should give Delta a free pass for not scheduling inspections previously or at least warning travelers in advance. (Wouldn’t you like a scapegoat in your business like “weather” and “safety” that could be…
In his excellent new book, The Breakthrough Company, Keith McFarland makes this point: “A search of the Harvard Business Review web site revealed that nearly 50 percent of the articles published by the Harvard Business Review mention at least one of the following companies: IBM, GE, Dell, Wal-Mart, and Southwest Airlines.” Is it surprising that…
Last night my friend John and I attended the Denver International Car Show. We parked in the convention center parking deck which is seldom an enjoyable experience. For some reason you get routed up a tight spiral ramp to one of the top two floors. I’m beginning to suspect that there are only two floors…
Warren Wiesbe said, “Your heart grows by giving out, but your mind grows by taking in; both are necessary to a happy and balanced life of service.” This explains the leadership balance between head and heart. Leaders who intellectualize their work have a difficult time connecting with and serving others. Leaders who give without growing…
Matt is a great bartender at one of my favorite brewpubs. One reason I like him is that he is very well informed on many things. He’s liberal and I’m conservative and it makes for great discussions (as I’ve said before, I respect someone who disagrees with me and is well informed more than someone…