Mark is recognized globally as an expert on leadership, customer service and organizational performance.
A member of the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame, he is the author of 8 books including the international bestseller, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary
Into the Extraordinary.
Mark teaches his clients to BE EXTRAORDINARY™.
The best way to deal with jerks is not to be one. Gratefulness is a path through trials and disappointments. Mastery creates confidence. We make our decisions then our decisions make us. C.S. Lewis said the most important question isn’t “What do you think of God?” The most important question is “What does God think…
We hear much about our next president providing America hope…but what kind of hope. Lloyd Ogilvie said, “What we hope for determines the vitality of our lives. But the question is: When we have arrived at where we are going, where will we be; when we get what we want, what will we have; when…
Dan Sullivan, in his book The Great Crossover, suggests four things to teach kids to create an entrepreneurial attitude: 1. Self-learning: how to acquire new knowledge and skills without a teacher. 2. Self-motivation: setting and achieving goals in a systematic manner. 3. Self-management: the effective organization of time and money. 4. Self-promotion: the ability to…
Frances Hesselbein is one of my favorite leadership thinkers. She helped reinvent The Girl Scouts of America and it thrived under her leadership. Of late she is involved with the Peter Drucker Foundation and writes and speaks on leadership issues. She is a livewire and a delightful person. Here are some of her ideas I’ve…
Frances Hesselbein is one of my favorite leadership thinkers. She helped reinvent The Girl Scouts of America and it thrived under her leadership. Of late she is involved with the Peter Drucker Foundation and writes and speaks on leadership issues. She is a livewire and a delightful person. Here are some of her ideas I’ve…
Nostalgia is a powerful force. Research shows that we are all capable of creating an idealized memory out of a less-than-ideal past. There are psychological benefits to that, but not when you’re trying to lead people into the future. Obama has, somewhat surprisingly, positioned himself as an old-school Democrat with a bad case of nostalgia.…
I define leadership as an invitation to greatness that we extend to others. After I spoke this weekend a woman asked me what books I would suggest for parents who want to invite their children to greatness. Here are three of my favorites: Raising Kids for True Greatness by Dr. Tim Kimmel Nurturing The Leader…
That’s what you should focus on, says Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach, a premiere coaching organization. Don’t focus on where you wish you were. Most people focus on where they want to be and become discouraged by the gap between the reality and the desire. To feel legitimately good about your life, focus on…
Do a friend a favor and recommend a great book to them. My pal Chris Widener called last week to tell me I ought to read Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. He gave me a synopsis of why he loved it and although I’m very picky about what I read, I took his advice and…
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