Reader Nancy Wright submitted the following story after reading the January issue of my ezine.
“I just read your latest ezine and the article “Live like Fred” has spurred me to share this experience with you. I was standing in the back of my church during a service several weeks ago and noticed one of our ushers “living like Fred” (although she would have no idea what that meant). Our ushers hand out programs to people who enter the service. Included in the program is an outline that people can fill in during the sermon. This particular usher would fill out the outlines as far as the pastor had gotten so that anyone entering the service late would know where they were in the service and would not have missed any of the teaching points. This woman only has sight in one eye, and it is somewhat limited at that. So for her to hurry to fill in those programs for late arrivers is truly a remarkable thing.
I was inspired (and told her so). The notion of “living like Fred” is very powerful and I will endeavor to live that way myself!”
Thanks for sharing, Nancy!