1. Stay healthy so you can take care of those you lead.
2. Do your homework better to be as well informed as possible about decisions.
3. Develop a growth plan with each person on your team.
4. Keep a record or journal of the most important thing you learn each week.
5. Write an appreciation note to someone on your team and a client.
6. Don’t over-communicate; communicate better.
7. Find one person today you can do something extraordinary for.
8. Identify three things that happened yesterday that you are thankful for.
9. Identify a key relationship to improve and reach out to that person.
10. Identify your three most important success metrics going forward.
11. Determine the 3 things your customers value that differentiate you from your competition.
12. Write down the most important thing you want to accomplish today and block at least 30 minutes to pursue it.
13. Find a powerful quote to start your next team meeting that will make it more inspirational.
14.Work on your biggest problems first, not your easiest problems.
15. Remember that both the people you lead and the results you achieve really matter.
Mark Sanborn is an award winning speaker and Leadership Expert in Residence at High Point University, the Premier Life Skills University. For more information about his work, visit www.marksanborn.com. He also teaches professional speakers and leaders how to increase their messaging and public speaking effectiveness. Learn more here.