In your business, what is the kill ratio for ideas?
You know: the number of ideas suggested versus the number of ideas thoughtfully considered and implemented?
The innovative nurture new ideas; the staid and stodgy neuter them.
To destroy an idea, ask “Why should we?”
To develop it, ask “Why shouldn’t we?”
To destroy an idea, discuss why it won’t work.
To develop an idea, discuss how it could be made to work.
To develop creativity, reward the attempt.
To destroy creativity, reward only successful ideas (which of course means you’ll only get tried and true ideas).
Good leaders encourage and reward followers for getting out of their mental ruts. That means doing business with a little less predictability, a little more risk but a whole lot more fun and innovation.
I see this all the time.
This is a classic manager mistake. Exactly what Mark decribes above. Destroy. They are rapped up in their title. They feel if someone below them comes up with an idea and implements it,they feel threatend.
Leaders crave invoation from anyone and everone. They don’t care who gets the credit. What leaders know deep down, is that if their organization is so blind that they cant spot the leader who creates a culture and atmosphere of team inovation and problem solving, another organization definitely will.
Leaders love to hear these two words…. “What if?”
Good advice for responding to feedback we don’t want, too! Instead of saying “But here’s why I did it that way,” ask “How can I use this to make it even better?” Thanks – W!
Great advise and thoughts. All leaders need to be pushing for their people to get out of bad thinking and their ruts.