Emulation is one of the quickest ways to learn. Do you know who the best people are in your field or area of interest? Are you familiar with the top performers? Who do you look to as an example to learn from?
Don’t just learn what the best do, make sure you learn how they think. Doing something without understanding why is foolish. And by knowing how the best think, you’ll be able to assess what you should be doing.
2. How would the best do this?
When you’ve committed to a course of action, analyze how the best implement and execute. Study the process peak performers use to achieve results.
Want to be a better speaker? Study great speakers and pay as much attention to how they say something as what they say. If you need to move people to action, study the best inspirational or motivational speakers and learn how their choice of words, use of stories, variance in volume, speed of delivery and other behaviors contribute to their success.
3. How can I do it even better?
Nobody has a corner on perfection. Just as the best performers continue to get better, you can learn what is working now and look for ways to polish, adjust and improve. Don’t stay stuck in the past. Challenge yourself by seeing how you can improve on best practices and make them even better.