A Speaker is Born
Mark Sanborn gave his first speech at the age of 10 in a 4-H safety speaking contest. He did so poorly and lost so badly that he decided to try again. After that he was hooked. Public speaking became his passion and eventually his vocation.
A graduate of The Ohio State University, Mark worked his way through college as an After Dinner Speaker. After graduation, he was an Account Executive, Regional Manager and Associate Publisher in the magazine publishing industry.
Mark Sanborn entered professional speaking full-time in 1986.
What Drives Mark Sanborn?
Once asked what he would like as an epitaph, Mark explained, “Malcolm Forbes asked that his gravestone read, ‘While alive, he lived.’ I aim beyond that. As a result of my life, work and relationships, I would hope my headstone someday reads, “While alive, he lived. While he lived, he loved. Because he loved, he served. And when he served, he led.”
He resides in the greater Denver, Colorado area with his wife Darla and sons Hunter and Jackson. Mark is also an avid downhill skier, scuba diver and motorcyclist.
We invite you to learn more about Mark Sanborn and how his keynote presentations, books and learning resources on leadership, customer service, and remarkable performance can make an extraordinary difference in your work and life.